The Nitty Gritty

Pet Only: Starting price is $3350 (not including sales tax if picked up in Missouri. Sales tax not required if picked up outside of Missouri borders.)

Breeding Rights: Starting price is $4300 (sales tax not required for breeding animals.)

Click here for a full list of prices as well as info on our how the reservation process goes and info on our 1 year health guarantee.

We require $1000 non-refundable deposit to hold a pet kitten and $1500 for a breeder kitten. This will reserve the kitten of your choosing. The remaining balance is due IN CASH (no exceptions!) on the day of pick up. 

SPAY AND NEUTERING IS NOT AN OPTION IT IS A MUST. We allow our families to choose if they wish to have their kitten spayed/neutered before going home, or sign a SpaySecure contract thru SpaySecure and sterilize the kitten around 6-9 months of age. There are pro’s and con’s to sterilizing early and pro’s and con’s to waiting. Please do your research and talk to your vet and see what option you feel would be best. 

If you choose to have my vet sterilize the kitten, it will be done before the kitten goes home at 12 weeks and the kitten would be ready by 13 weeks. If you choose to sign a contract with SpaySecure, the kittens go home with a strict, legally binding Spay or Neuter contract. They will be required to be spayed or neutered by 6-9 months old if you go that route. We use a company called SpaySecure to protect your kitten’s growth hormones. SpaySecure uses binding contracts to ensure kitty sterilization  at an older age. They’ll follow up with you to provide advice and reminders, ensuring your kitten’s sterilization.

Please click here and scroll down to the spay/neuter section for more details and the cost associated with each option.

Good question, the short answer….maybe, maybe not. The long answer, It really depends on several factors, one of which is that you are an established cattery. We do not give breeding rights to just anyone. And for some of our parent cats, we have a signed contract that we wouldn’t sell their offspring as breeders. So I’ll bring it back to the top, maybe, maybe not. But be aware that if we do allow it for certain cats, the cost for breeding rights is higher and comes with more stipulations than a non-breeding cat. We will also ask for the first pick of one kitten from their first litter per breeding cat that is purchased.

The agonizing wait. We get it, you want the kitten as soon as possible. But kittens need their momma as long as possible. They will come home between 12-14 weeks of age.

  • A sweet and magnificent Maine Coon kitten that was raised with so much love
  • Veterinary exam to rule out any health concerns & worms.
  • Health Record of kitten
  • 72 hour warranty for viral and bacterial diseases
  • 3 year health guarantee (click here)
  • 30 days of Trupanion pet insurance
  • Testing for FeLV/FIV (negative)
  • Fecal testing for internal parasites (negative)
  • Age appropriate vaccinations and deworming
  • Copy of parents DNA report, and kittens if one is done for the kitten.
  • Food to transition to your food of choice
  • TICA Registration paperwork (after proof of spay/neuter).
  • A fun goody bag for you and your kitten! 
  • Delivery of the kitten to the Kansas City airport for pickup OR at a determined location within 30 mins of my home. Delivery Service is available within the USA for a flat rate of $700. 

Yes! There are two types of waitlists. There is the Approved Breeders/Families waitlist that you will automatically go on when your application is approved. You will be notified when kittens are available to reserve after those on the paid waitlist pick their kittens. Then there is the paid waitlist for those who have an approved breeders/families application and put a waitlist deposit down to get first pick of the litter. You can view the waitlist information here, as well as check on the status of where you are on the waitlist!

Yes! We give priority in the following order: those on the paid waitlist which includes cattery (myself), breeders, returning families, and approved families.  Once those on the paid waitlist have picked their kitten, the remaining kittens are made available for the approved families who didn’t wish to pay a waitlist deposit. After that, they will be available to the general public. You will be notified when it is your turn to see what kittens are available. 

I offer a $200 discount for returning families and a $100 discount per kitten for families buying more than one kitten at the same time.

Reservations will open up around 6-8 weeks. We first work out way thru the waitlist, and then we open up any remaining kittens to the general public. But before you can join the waitlist or reserve a kitten, we want to know you first before you throw your money at us. Who our cats go to matter to us. So fill out the kitten application and when approved I will send you an email letting your know if it was approved or declined.

While you wait for the new litter to grow, come say hi! Chat with me! Ask questions! And I will ask many questions too! And then when the time comes that they are ready, they will be announced on our social media platforms and posted on the available kittens page. When you have your kitten picked out, I will send over a contract and it is then that you pay your non-refundable deposit. The kitten is then yours at that point.  Disclaimer (bummer I know): I can say it’s a no go at any point. The only time the deposit is refundable is if I cancel the transfer of the kitten for any reason.

Priority will go as follows: Cattery, breeders, returning families, multi-cat purchase families, approved families. If you are a breeder, reservation notifications will be sent to you first.


Well, they are adorable. But you know that. And with the right home, environment, care and love, they will be you best friend for life. They say Maine Coon’s are like dogs, and that’s very true. They like to be near, and on their humans. Oh, and they like water. So be prepared for some wet floors and a companion when you take a bath or do dishes.

We have 8 kids, i’ll let you be the judge of that. Lol! Yes, yes and yes, just not to dogs. They all get their human interaction and snuggles daily. We breed for HEALTH first, then temperament….size and looks is an after thought. 

Love on it, of course. But also make sure you visit a vet within 72 hours of receiving your kitten. Your kitten may be scared at first, new surrounding and being away from momma is hard on babies. Allow it to adjust gradually. Give the kitten its own room with a bed, food and water and give it about 10-14 days in there (with you visiting him/her of course.) Over time, bring the kitten out to other parts of the house and let him roam around. Make sure you have a litter box nearby! If you have a cat or multiple cats already, check out Jackson Galaxy on youtube. He has great advice on how to introduce your older cats to your new kitten!

We offer a limited 72 hour health guarantee for viral and bacterial diseases, but you must do your part and get the kitten seen by a vet withing 72 hours. Our breeding cats are tested for FeLV and FIV and all kittens leaving our home will be negative. We ask that your kitten not be given the vaccination for those diseases because its not necessary for indoor cats, it has a lot of side effects and the cat will then always test positive for them. 

We also offer a 3 year health guarantee against all genetic illnesses and any health condition (that we can test for) resulting in the loss of your pet (does not include neglect, accidents, or ingestion of foreign objects). If your kitten passes away before the age of 3 years old for any reason, except for that of an accident, injury or neglect, I will replace the kitten with a new one of equal value.  All our breeding cats have been DNA tested using optimal selection that tests for Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM), Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA), and Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency (PKDef), plus 40+ other genetic diseases. 

Please click here for our adoption process and for further information on our health guarantee.

Yes we do! We vaccinate at 10 weeks old.  We do not vaccinate against FeLV. They should receive one more at 12-16 weeks by your vet along with the rabies at the same time. We don’t believe in over vaccinating cats, but if you choose to continue yearly vaccinations on your own, you are more than welcome to but please do some research on the subject and be informed of the risks. Here are some great video’s that go in depth on why we shouldn’t be over vaccinating our cats.

No! Declawing is the amputation of the last bone of each toe on a cat’s paw. It would be like cutting off your finger at the last knuckle. Please do your research on why declawing is horrible and cruel. In the contract you will sign, it states that declawing is not allowed. Declawing is not only inhumane but it causes all sorts of long term issues with peeing outside of the box, biting, or long term health  problems.

Respectfully and unfortunately, no. I am sorry, but this is our home where we live, and to reduce the chance of any of our cats getting infected with something, we don’t allow visitors. I understand the frustration of that, but our kids (in human and feline form) come first. But I would be more than happy to do a video call or send as many pictures or videos as you would like!

We do not ship our kittens via cargo. If you would like to hire a courier/pet nanny you can arrange that, or depending on time of the year, current needs of litters/kittens, and needs of my family, we can discuss the option to deliver the kitten myself. Pricing would depend on location and ticket prices if a flight is needed. If you are flying to pick up your kitten, they must be in the cabin only, not cargo. We are only 40 mins from the Kansas City Airport and can meet you there if preferred!

 You can find a list of flight nanny’s here…

Maine Coon’s are not only the most popular pedigree breed of cats in the world who have so much love and companionship to offer, it is also very expensive to breed, raise and properly care for these magnificent cats. I promise you that ethical breeders are not just sitting back and letting the moms do all of the work with their kittens. It takes many hours of work, love, care, devotion, heartache and triumphs, cleaning, grooming, playing, snuggling, teaching, feeding, vet visits, researching, learning, improving, adding/changing our homes, losing sleep, etc. Breeding is not for the faint of heart. But all of the hard work and emotion put into these wonderful cats is 100% worth it. If you find someone who is selling a Maine Coon for cheap, consider that a red flag! They are probably cutting a lot of corners and not caring for the cats the way they deserve, aka, a backyard breeder who is selling for quantity and not quality.   

We will schedule the pick up date in advance. If you can not pickup that kitten at the scheduled time, there will be a $50 charge for every day that the kitten is still at our cattery. If you fail to pick up the kitten within one week of the scheduled date, the deposit will be forfeited and the kitten will be offered to someone else. 

Male Main Coon’s, when fully matured, weigh between 15-25 lbs, and females weigh between 10-15 lbs. Maine Coons continue to grow for 4-5 years.

It is true, especially if they have blue eyes. Our white cats will have a BAER test done to determine if they are deaf or not. But even if they are deaf, it does not mean their quality of life will be less. It just means they need a little bit extra care. They can learn to recognize hand signals or the flashing of a light. And to wake a sleeping cat, touch the area around them rather than the cat itself as deaf cats startle easier. 

They are not hypoallergenic. And they do shed in the spring and summertime. They have thick long fur, they grow amazing manes and can have very fluffy tails. They require a good amount of regular grooming.  Most are pretty good with grooming themselves but sometimes they do require a bath. But don’t over bathe a cat, it can cause their skin to dry up. If you have a breeding Maine Coon, they can develop “stud tail”, which will need to be cleaned often. 

The average life expectancy of a Maine Coon is 12-15 years old. Maine Coon’s are a pretty hardy breed. 

It means that they have 6 toes or more on each paw! Super cool, huh? A few of our males and females are polydactyl, so the possibility of the loins of their fruit having that as well is high! Check out more information here.

They are obligate carnivore’s, so a good diet that is high in protein! Be sure to give plenty of fresh water daily. 

YES!! They are gently giants who love to chase, play with toys and water, follow you around and snuggle. They want to be near their humans and do so great with kids, dogs and other cats.

YES!! Most are infatuated with it. In sinks, tubs, water bowls, etc. Here are two video’s on TikTok that show how much 2 of our Maine Coon’s love water….

– Sage playing in the sink

 -Luna playing in the bath

Another good question, the short answer….i’m not. But of course you don’t know that. The long answer, I highly suggest you do your homework on me. Stalk me. Ask questions. Get in touch with other cat lovers who have gotten our cats to ask if we are the real deal. Ask us to do video chats, send you picture after picture after picture, and video’s! And learn the warning signs of a scammer. Here are the ways you can detect one…

  1. Their price is too good to be true. Watch out for the deep discount kittens. If it seems like its cheap, that’s a big warning sign. 
  2. Does the website look like it was thrown together in 5 mins or does it have a lot of spelling errors? Yup, warning sign!!
  3. A crazy amount of kittens? Warning sign. It either means it is a scam or their living arrangements are not the best.
  4. I will NOT ask for money without properly vetting you, stalking you back, chatting over the phone or video call, and have a written contract. 
  5. Look at all of the photos! Do they seem consistent? Do they have multiple photos of the same cat from different angles? Look for age progression photos. Do they have the same background?

Follow these steps to spot a scammer, follow your gut, and again, DO YOUR HOMEWORK!! ( I will draw your attention to the video below!)  Don’t just give your money to anyone who isn’t willing to work with you and answer any and all questions as well as provide you with whatever you ask to see. Please also see this post for a few more tips. 

Hi! I’m Aubre. Find out a little more about me here.

Yes! We are CFA and TICA registered! 

Here is a little jingle to help you remember…

Do your homework!

Check the nitty gritty section up above to find out more on how to spot a scammer!